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  • Nödvändig?

    Behöver Coupe Turbo motorer denna?

    Den har ju en viss coolfaktor..

    An oil catch can is used in turbo applications, or high-performance race applications where excessive blow-by (leakage past the piston rings) of air and fuel vapor occurs. This creates a positive pressure in the crankcase. Engine manufactures have placed a valve on the engine block which releases this pressure. This valve is known as a PCV (Positive Crankcase Ventilation) valve. During engine operation, blow-by gases, as well as oil mist from the rotating components of the engine, pass through the PCV valve and are routed back into the intake for the engine to burn off. However, some of the oil mist and other products settle along the engine intake and over time form a "gunk." The oil catch can collects the oil mist and condenses the fuel vapors while allowing "cleaner" gases to be passed back into the intake. Typically the blow-by gasses are passed through a wire mesh, which give the vapor droplets something to adhere to. Since the oil catch cans condense the vapor portion of the gasses, they will need to be drained periodically of all the oil, fuel and other contaminants
    Last edited by epostiljon; 7 March 2012, 09:35.


  • #2
    Re: Nödvändig?

    Originally posted by epostiljon
    Behöver Coupe Turbo motorer denna?

    Den har ju en viss coolfaktor..

    An oil catch can is used in turbo applications, or high-performance race applications where excessive blow-by (leakage past the piston rings) of air and fuel vapor occurs. This creates a positive pressure in the crankcase. Engine manufactures have placed a valve on the engine block which releases this pressure. This valve is known as a PCV (Positive Crankcase Ventilation) valve. During engine operation, blow-by gases, as well as oil mist from the rotating components of the engine, pass through the PCV valve and are routed back into the intake for the engine to burn off. However, some of the oil mist and other products settle along the engine intake and over time form a "gunk." The oil catch can collects the oil mist and condenses the fuel vapors while allowing "cleaner" gases to be passed back into the intake. Typically the blow-by gasses are passed through a wire mesh, which give the vapor droplets something to adhere to. Since the oil catch cans condense the vapor portion of the gasses, they will need to be drained periodically of all the oil, fuel and other contaminants
    Efter att "pluggat" på lite om min egen fråga fick jag lite förstånd. Så coolfaktor eller inte, den e ICKE nödvändig om man håller ordning o reda på original ventilationen.



    • #3
      Annars skulle bilarna haft dessa original.
      Argenta 120ie -85
      Alfa 75 3.0V6 -90
      BMW Z4M Coupe -06
      BMW 118dM -10
      Coupe 20VT -98 RIP
      125 Special -72 RIP


      • #4
        Originally posted by per
        Annars skulle bilarna haft dessa original.
        Har inte 16v turbo Coupéerna en? Tycker mig ha ett minne av en rund svart burk uppe runt vänster fjäderbenstorn/brevid luftburken.

        När jag tänker efter har väl 20v bilarna en oljefälla på baksidan av motorn?
        Last edited by Jim; 9 March 2012, 10:54.

        Panda 169

